Well, we got back from Reactive Rover Training class last night and Stella immediately wrote a review to post. Here's her results from learning to live without triggers! I'm hoping her thoughts will help you too.
"I’ve learned so much at Reactive Rover class! I’m starting to realize that the things I thought were scary or the dogs I was used to fussing at... well as it turns out... they are really not that big of a deal! I've made a mountain out of a molehill."
"I don’t know exactly how it works but what I have found out is there's a better way to respond to things. If I focus on my mom, somehow, other things that use to bother me seem to fade away. I guess it's because I feel more safe than focusing on things that scare me. "
"What’s really cool is when we go for walks now...
go up and down the elevator to get outside...
run through the park and find a place to potty...
I don’t even notice most dogs!"
"They’re just there. Now, when I meet other dogs in the elevator, I just look at mom and she leads me out of the way; everything turns out great!!! "
"So, I think I’m just going to trust the process my mom is doing. Release, Retrain, Repeat is making my life so much better!"
"What I’ve learned today:
Things aren't usually as scary as we make them out to be.
If I focus on good things - scary stuff fade away.
Reactive training leads to lots of cookies!!!"

What we can learn from Stella,
In our attempt to change our thoughts and create new ones, releasing the need to keep old ones, focusing on good ones, trusting the process of retraining... you really will create a new life.
For more information for your OWN mindset transformation, check out our RELEASE. RETRAIN. REPEAT process and programs at PlayTallToday.com or better yet, let Stella teach you in her new book, STOP! Letting Your Triggers Terrorize You. Also found on Amazon kindle.